General conditions of the test
This test, organised by Hillside Outside Ltd on behalf of SIGB, is accessible to retailers and the media involved in snowsport and their nominated testers.
Hillside Outside Ltd and SIGB will use their reasonable endeavours to facilitate the test taking place on the scheduled dates. However, if the test has to be cancelled or postponed for any reason (pandemic, weather or other force majeure), Hillside Outside Ltd and SIGB will not be liable to participating companies, organisations and/ or nominated testers for any resulting costs, losses or damages. Hillside Outside Ltd and SIGB will notify attendees as soon as possible if the test is going to be cancelled or postponed.
All participating companies and organisations are responsible for making their own arrangements for travel & accommodation. Hillside Outside Ltd and SIGB will not be liable for any travel, accommodation and other costs if the event has to be cancelled or postponed or if attendees are unable or unwilling to attend the test.
It is the responsibility of all participating companies and organisations to ensure that their nominated testers:
- are covered by appropriate winter sports insurance, including off-piste (if planning to go off-piste) and have appropriate public liability cover
- are competent to make subjective judgement and comment on the equipment that is being made available
- are aware of their own DIN settings and how bindings should be adjusted on any equipment that they borrow
- submit the appropriate portion of the test results card, or enter test reports via the Test App, for inclusion in the central results database
- make every effort to avoid damage to test equipment and inform the supplier in case of any damage to equipment
- return test equipment as and when requested
- ski or snowboard under control and do not endanger other slope users
- carry an avalanche transceiver, shovel and probe if going off-piste. And know how to use the equipment.
As soon as any tester leaves the test centre area, it is on the basis that he/she is satisfied with both the adjustment and settings of the equipment to be tested. All participating companies, organisations and testers acknowledge that the SIGB, Hillside Outside Ltd and the participating equipment suppliers cannot be held liable for any injuries, loss or damage that might occur during the period of the test.
All participating companies and organisations will ensure that they and their nominated testers will comply with any applicable rules, regulations and guidelines
All equipment is made available by participating suppliers on the basis that it is supplied on loan and remains their property at all times.
In order to take a pair of skis or a snowboard to test, the tester must leave with the supplier his or her test accreditation card, if requested. This will be returned when the skis or snowboard are returned.
SIGB and Hillside Outside Ltd reserve the right to refuse registration, or remove access to test equipment, at their discretion.